Our Impact Night is FREE to attend so bring your neighbors, friends, and coworkers. Please be sure to RSVP by March 17th.
Can't Make it, but want to donate? Click the RSVP bottun below and select the appropriate box to donat.
We invite you to join us for an elevated night of sharing, celebration, and vision.
There will be hors d’oeuvres served as well as other light refreshments from 6-7pm.
Guests will be free to walk around the Theatre talking with one another as well as our FCA staff and volunteers.
There will also be a silent auction during this time.
At 7pm we will gather in the main theatre as we share all that God has done through FCA these past two years to impact Washington County, MD. We will also be sharing our vision for the future and what that looks like for you and your family.
Our Impact Night is FREE to attend so bring your neighbors, friends, and coworkers. Please be sure to RSVP by March 17th.
Can't Make it, but want to donate? Click the RSVP bottun below and select the appropriate box to donat.
**Once each sponsorship level reaches its goal, additional funds will be put to the ministry areas of most need winthin FCA of Washington County**
Title Sponsor: $2500
Friend of Wheaton Park: $1000
Campus Impact: $500
Minisry Partner: $250